Identify your target market and land more deals & Cuetap

Hello AI enthusiasts!

Unlock the potential of location data with and elevate your market game with Cuetap! 🚀 Unlock the power of precise market analysis and location planning with! 🌐📊 Discover demographic insights, explore ZIP Code maps, and collaborate in real-time to make informed decisions. 🛰️💡 #AI #MarketAnalysis #LocationData #ZipscoreAI

Cuetap: 🚀 Elevate your sales game with Cuetap! 🤖💼 Power up your sales battlecards with AI & CI for winning more deals. 📈 Boost knowledge sharing, confidence, and sales success. Plus, create actionable insights in no time! 💡💪 #AI #Sales #Cuetap #CompetitiveIntelligence

Table of Contents

AI Co-Pilot for Market Analysis and Location Planning

  • offers AI Co-Pilot for Market Analysis powered by OpenAI's GPT-4 using data from 75,000 US locations.

  • Users can draw polygons and collaborate in real-time with Scribble + Realtime Collaboration feature.

  • Fast Filters allow users to drag and drop target audience on the map to find zip codes with the highest chosen demographics.

  • Point-of-Interest feature helps in understanding demographics by geo-fencing zip codes within a certain distance from a physical store.

  • provides insights on how to target zip codes in Google Ads using demographic segmentation.

  • Pricing options range from a free plan with limited features to an enterprise plan with advanced capabilities.

  • Premium features include unlimited location searches, POI analysis, scribbles, real-time collaboration, and integration with 160+ connectors for business data.

  • The platform offers an Enterprise Custom plan for tailored location data solutions.

Win more deals with Cuetap's AI-powered Sales Battlecards

  • Cuetap offers AI-powered Sales Battlecards and Competitive Intelligence for winning more deals.

  • Benefits for PMMs include actionable AI-powered Battlecard data-points creation and easy editing.

  • Benefits for Sales include knowledge sharing, confidence in sales pitch, and increased sales success.

  • Key features include AI-powered data extraction, up-to-date insights, and actionable information.

  • How it works: Add competitors, AI extracts data-points, update battlecards, use for onboarding and competitive positioning.

  • Pricing options: Individual (free) and Business ($30/month) plans with varying features and benefits.

  • Free Tools available: Battlecard Generator, Cold Email Generator.

    More features to come, stay tuned for updates.